
Amber Bryans Studio

Studio Updates and Art Musings

Kicking Off a Blog

This post is entirely unnecessary

I wanted to start this blog-thing on my website for a while now, a place to write about my art, post updates, share techniques, and maybe even some art musings. The trouble is, the introduction kind of stumped me. Like, how do you kickoff a series of posts when you already have introductions to yourself and your work all over your website? I don’t actually need to introduce anything.

The real thing that stumped me was that the idea of putting words in a blog format felt like a big deal. And maybe the way to start is just by letting it be less of a big deal. Today I knocked off a bunch of daunting tasks I was putting off, and here is another. And it’s not so bad, really.

Maybe it’s just an open opportunity that I don’t have to worry about. The only purpose is to get this thing started. Start anywhere, really. Starting here.